💬Snipets💬: Energetic Awareness

You will undoubtedly meet all kinds of people in Second Life, from sim owners to scripters. But not everyone has the best intentions when logging in. During my search for engaging chat some time ago, I ran across a sim owner(this is how I will identify them) that on the surface seemed nice, but I felt something was not right. During these brief interactions, sensations would come over me (physically). My shoulders felt heavy, I felt this intense restriction in my ability to voice my opinion. I felt I was being silenced. This intense urge to try to be "in" with this person kept growing. I have never desired to be "in" with the popular crowd, but somehow I felt like this was High School all over again. This happened every single time I was around this sim owner and their group of friends.

"The elitist, snobby, oppressive nature of this sim owner had finally gotten to me."

Speaking in the group for this particular sim was absolutely forbidden if you did not want to be hounded by the ass kissers that gawked and followed this sim owner continuously. While at this sim I met a guy and he quickly became my friend. Our intellect matched perfectly and for awhile I was afraid to express how I felt about the "sim owner" to him.

One day, after growing tired of being oppressed(really that is the only word I have for it) I decided to tell my friend my real feelings about the "sim owner". The elitist, snobby, oppressive nature of this sim owner had finally gotten to me. After belting out my concerns to my friend, he confirmed my suspicions. He had felt the same energy I had felt. The moment he told me about his interactions with this sim owner and how they behaved with him versus their friends, I knew I was not alone.

In that moment I had tapped into the "obscurity" of Second Life. This "energetic awareness" I now call it is very real. Being very aware of energy in Real Life, this ability has served me quite well in Second Life.

"When your avatars are in the same proximity close enough to be visible, you can sense their disposition."

When it comes to your digital representative (avatar), and regardless if you are aware of it or not, your avatar can beam an energetic signature. Same as in Real Life where you can sense energy, you can do that in Second Life as well. Physical sensations occur during that one on one, some can feel it, some cannot. Ex: The chat box is similar to a phone call, providing some distance between you and the other person. When your avatars are in the same proximity close enough to be visible, you can sense their disposition.

"Those are the ones who have deep seeded mental blockages to life in general and are losing out on what can definitely be a great learning experience."

Be weary of those who try to "dumb down" this platform for human interaction into just a "game". Those kind of people have this incessant desire to get you to believe this "game" does not matter and everything here is "unimpressive". Those are the ones who have deep seeded mental blockages to life in general and are losing out on what can definitely be a great learning experience.

They are in total denial of the impact Second Life can have on an individual. Acknowledgement of the energetic influences Second Life can have may prevent you from becoming a disgruntled user who perpetuates the cycle of negativity. Being "in tune" with how you feel when you meet a person can help you to avoid what can quickly become a poisonous friendship or relationship.

I have to admit, I felt negative energy from my ex-partner, and I (knowing damn well what I was getting into) ignored it, quieting my own intuition and therefore went through intense amounts of stress of being stalked and harassed. You have intuition and energetic awareness to protect you. It is also there to attract only those that line-up with your morals and values (but that subject is for another post wink wink).

Any questions feel free to message me in-world:
BayBeeBella Resident
Check out my Flickr!


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