Even with luck finding this place was a slight challenge, having such low traffic, it was deep in the mix of low-prim, skybox clubs. When I saw the logo I prayed for the place to WOW me(and it did). You get a dose of high class when you rezz at the door. High ceiling with ceiling to floor curtains, a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the dance floor and you know this place feels good. Dining is an option here, and the picturesque views from every window sets up a romantic theme.
With fresh garlic bread on the table and super shiny (I mean hurt your eyes shiny) floor beneath your feet, you are bound to have an amazing experience here. Establishments like this is part of the reason I do my blog in the first place. The thoughtfulness that went into creating this place warms my heart a little. So many throw up a club and then let it sit there. So often we see the little pictures of the owner and not the place they are advertising, or even a logo for it. It's weird, cause times out of 10 the people are coming to the place, not to see you. This place has proven that when you do things with the mindfulness of the "client" you will gain attention. So often in Second Life people are doing things for themselves. Either to feel like they have power over others or to just be able to say they own something. (Then when you see it, its BLAH!, and you can't really tell em' cause their ego about it is wayy over the top) Little gems like this are worth all the trouble! (filling up my cache with horrendous textures and almost crashing cause the other places are so script heavy). I live for the thrill, because the moment you find one, you are bound to be blown away!
...Do things for the client, make them your target, not yourself...
A little piece of advice for those looking to start a establishment of any kind. If you do things for the client, make them your target and not yourself then I am almost certain your business will gain attention. I've been to places where the owner of a club or sim damn near wants their dick sucked by every single person that teleports in. No one has time for that. (Really we don't). That puts a demand on us(the people) to do something other than just come and support and possibly make a donation. No one should ever leave your sim feeling like their donation or compliments just inflated you beyond the parameters of the Second Life grid.
A little piece of advice...
In essence, I would image it to be extremely stressful for those who work for the club to perform their duties and be the staff you need if you attend every event and helicopter parent every single thing. Then to stand in your own club and every patron that comes in has to pay some sort of "Respect" to you. That's foul and that my friend is the first way to keep your traffic low. I've heard things about some owners of certain "popular" clubs and sims. The attitude of being an "elitist" apparently runs rampant through Second Life. We are all people, we are all here to have fun, if anything the owner should be in the office looking at the people enjoy. Separating themselves from the entire event. Attend every once in a while, surprise your patrons. "Oh the owner will be there, I'll pass on that one" they've said it before, and the sad part it's what everyone was thinking anyways.
For those who like to visit this location: Click Here
To see more pictures that did not make it to this post: Click Here for my Flickr.