I am so happy to report that today this blog has hit
🔥 views! Which is a big mile marker for me! In the beginning I did not expect my blog to even get 100 views. This is a big thank you to everyone who has visited my blog, read my blog and have given me value feedback in-world. This blog started out as an idea to deliver information about amazing places within the Second Life platform that have no way of getting on that forever-coveted Destination Guide. I am forever appreciative to the owners of these locations that have messaged me through Flickr in appreciation!
I now feel it is time for me to find a balance. I've done enough Snipets to last a lifetime and now I must get back to covering locations.
As my blog transformed into a venting platform on different topics, I now feel it is time for me to find a balance. I've done enough Snipets to last a lifetime and now I must get back to covering locations. So in the next few days,
(maybe even tonight) I will post a blog about a very awesome lounge I found recently
(yea, I been holding out lol). Writing is my passion and there are things about design that I absolutely adore in Second Life. So, this blog is a combination of those two elements. I hope that everyone who likes my blog will continue to give me feedback, positive or negative. I am fine with constructive criticism and even with a debate about the topics I cover.
I promise to never sell my blog as a way for clubs or location to gain traffic. That is why I do this on my terms, my way, without peddling a location to you because the owner wants me to. I only cover places that are uniquely beautiful. Some of the buildings may be prefab, but the way it is set-up inside changes the feel of it.
Which is why I encourage people donate to these locations, join their groups and spread the word about events.
At this time I would like to take a moment of silence for the locations on my blog that have disappeared. My heart goes out to them, because Second Life has rigged the system so much until these places could not survive by pumping their money into something they thought would at least cover the tiers. Which is why I encourage people to donate to these locations, join their groups and spread the word about events. If you like a place, please do your part to keep it there. I donate as often as I can but I cannot do everything for everyone, but we can all do something together for the collective whole.
I hope that the egos of those who own successful clubs in Second Life will not block the potential growth that is possible by working with others.
I hope that the places with high traffic will begin to team up with newer clubs and sponsor them. That would be an awesome thing to do. We have to work together to keep these amazing places open. I hope that the egos of those who own successful clubs in Second Life will not block the potential growth that is possible by working with others. If clothing store owners can make clothes that work together then club owners can do the same. DJ's should be able to share venues
(as well as patrons/followers) and bring a wide range of professionally mixed music across the grid.
The division of genres across the grid isolates people when music should be joining us together. What I have noticed
(and it saddens me) is that DJ's have "beef". One DJ feels the another is inferior. If one is better than the other, they should be helping one another, not ripping the other one to shreds over non-sense.
This grid is here for all of us, we can all create an even more amazing grid as well by acknowledging those who come with new ideas and new venues. That's what this blog is here for. If I find your location and it has under 1000 in traffic, and its visually appealing, 9 times out of 10 I will consider writing a post about it.
Digital Exploration!
🔥BayBeeBella Over N' Out!🔥